From a simple pound cake to a towering beauty, a cake can literally engage any audience.

So how good is your bake?
Made from the simplest of ingredients like sugar, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, butter, essence, cocoa etc, a cake is a delectable delicacy on any table. There is a lot of science that goes through combining these simple ingredients to attain a satisfying outcome. It's like chemistry, physics and maths all together in one place.
Still wondering how good is your bake? A cake can be judged from the difficulty of techniques that have been used in bringing about its final appearance. The neatness, the board at its base, the colours, the icing, the decorative figures used and the handwork. But most importantly what one might forget is its originality! Copied ideas are never the same as creating your own.
There is still a lot to go! Is the design balanced? Is the cake covered well? Are colours in harmony with each other? Is the work on cake as close to life as possible? Is the icing free of spatula marks, finger prints or air bubbles, smooth and non greasy? Is the sugar well combined? The cake decoration is crucial, but should never be overpowering. Handwork should be free of drying cracks. You can think of enormous things to correct while baking a cake but the most important thing to remember is that nothing is so poorly done that it cannot be encouraged further. While nothing is so finely done that it cannot be improved!
And baking is fun.. a hobby enjoyed by millions across the world and a desert loved by far greater number of people that actually make it...and since we are thinking of taking it on a commercial level it has to be at its best.

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