Difficulties are Part Of Life, Be Positive: DR. OM GAURI DUTT SHARMA
Desh Bhagat University Training and Placement Department Organised a Motivational and Inspirational guest lecture for the students of Media and Management classes. A large number of students from MJMC, BJMC, MBA & BBA classes attended it. The Key-note speaker on this occasion was Dr. Om Gauri Dutt Sharma, Deputy Director General (Programmes), Doordarshan Jalandhar.
While interacting with the students, Dr. Sharma said that it’s time of innovation, smart technology and latest techniques, it is the responsibility of the youth, especially the students to contribute and make our country strong and prosperous on the world scenario. He inspired the students not to lose heart if they fail in first or second attempt, Try again and again and their efforts will surely be crowned with success. Difficulties are part of life, these improves our strength and moral so always adopt positive attitude, he added.
While interacting with Media students he explained that Doordarshan is one of the most effective sources of Information, Education and Entertainment. He discussed some of the famous programmes of DD Punjabi like DD Rocks, Sur Sirtaj, Lashkara, Chat Show, Geet Bahar and Akhara etc. Dr. Sharma informed the students about the latest techniques being used in the electronic media in general and the programmings in particular. He also dwelt upon the competencies, skills and limitations of an artist as well as a presenter. He said Students can make their careers in the field of entertainment industry with hard work and dedication. The students evinced a keen interest in the lecture and asked relevant questions to clear their doubts. The expert speaker also shared his experiences with the students and motivated them excellently.

Deshbhagatuniversity Chancellor Dr. Zora Singh and Pro Chancellor Ms.Tajinder Kaur thanked the learned speaker for his highly illuminating talk. They averred that such academic progrmmes proved quite useful for the students as these give them firsthand knowledge and practical exposure. Vice Chancellor Dr. Virinder Singh appreciated the initiative taken by Training and Placement Department .
Desh Bhagat University Training and Placement Department Organised a Motivational and Inspirational guest lecture for the students of Media and Management classes. A large number of students from MJMC, BJMC, MBA & BBA classes attended it. The Key-note speaker on this occasion was Dr. Om Gauri Dutt Sharma, Deputy Director General (Programmes), Doordarshan Jalandhar.
While interacting with the students, Dr. Sharma said that it’s time of innovation, smart technology and latest techniques, it is the responsibility of the youth, especially the students to contribute and make our country strong and prosperous on the world scenario. He inspired the students not to lose heart if they fail in first or second attempt, Try again and again and their efforts will surely be crowned with success. Difficulties are part of life, these improves our strength and moral so always adopt positive attitude, he added.
While interacting with Media students he explained that Doordarshan is one of the most effective sources of Information, Education and Entertainment. He discussed some of the famous programmes of DD Punjabi like DD Rocks, Sur Sirtaj, Lashkara, Chat Show, Geet Bahar and Akhara etc. Dr. Sharma informed the students about the latest techniques being used in the electronic media in general and the programmings in particular. He also dwelt upon the competencies, skills and limitations of an artist as well as a presenter. He said Students can make their careers in the field of entertainment industry with hard work and dedication. The students evinced a keen interest in the lecture and asked relevant questions to clear their doubts. The expert speaker also shared his experiences with the students and motivated them excellently.
Deshbhagatuniversity Chancellor Dr. Zora Singh and Pro Chancellor Ms.Tajinder Kaur thanked the learned speaker for his highly illuminating talk. They averred that such academic progrmmes proved quite useful for the students as these give them firsthand knowledge and practical exposure. Vice Chancellor Dr. Virinder Singh appreciated the initiative taken by Training and Placement Department .
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